Werner landscape painter
Sunrise Highlands 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Edge of Land 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Meadow 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Valley 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
A Bigger Escarpment 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Magic 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Sunset 36" x 60" tempera on canvas
Fall Sun 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Before Sunset 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Secret Garden 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Valley Plains 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Rails Removed 26" x 72" tempera on canvas
Evening Sun 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Morning Sun 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Field 26" x 72" tempera on canvas
Beach 34" x 44" tempera on canvas framed
about me
Our wonderful Canadian landscape inspires my work, combining Realism and Abstraction to capture rural Ontario vistas of forest, fields and lakes with light, colour, strong lines and open spaces that evoke a sense of freedom.
Old master painters have been my greatest influence.
At my studio in Barrie I use tempera powder pigment with various binders including linseed oil, then finishing off with a final coat of high gloss varnish for long lasting vivid colours.
current studio work
Highlands 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Evening 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
Holler 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
My Own Private Niagara 34" x 98" tempera on canvas
more work
Morning Mist 15" x 19" tempera on canvas
Snow Clouds 18" x 24" tempera on canvas
Late 20" x 40" tempera on canvas
Park Walk 24" x 48" tempera on canvas
Fields 24" x 47" tempera on canvas framed
Clouds 24" x 39" tempera on canvas
Park 24" x 48" tempera on canvas framed
Shanty Trail 33" x 34" tempera on canvas framed
Above 32" x 39" tempera on canvas
Night Walk 32" x 39" tempera on canvas
Light Filtering 24" x 32" tempera on canvas
Orchard 24" x 36" tempera on canvas
Cut Field 24" x 48" tempera on canvas
Formal Garden 24" x 48" tempera on canvas
Straight Line Trail 23" x 48" tempera on canvas framed
Off the Trail 24" x 47" tempera on canvas
Above the Orchard 24" x 36" tempera on canvas
Rain 33" x 34" tempera on canvas framed
An Old Orchard 24" x 36" tempera on canvas
Light Filtering Early Morning 24" x 36" tempera on canvas
more current studio work
Boardwalk tempera on canvas 18" x 40"
Point tempera on canvas. 24" x 36"
Fields tempera on canvas. 24" x 36"
Edge tempera on canvas. 24" x 36"